Save laravel app settings in database

Save laravel app settings in database

I this post I am going to share one feature which most of the application have these days to change certain settings using UI, it can be implemented in many ways but one way I find doing is to store settings in the database and provide an auto-generated form to change the settings.

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Ready to use UUID in your next laravel app?

UUID stands for Universal Unique Identifier, it has been used to generate a unique id which is a 128 bit long numbers represented by 32 hexadecimal digits. Mostly used in software development to uniquely identify information with no further context. Continue reading…


VueJS pagination component to paginate anything in Laravel

When it comes to listing long length data with pagination, laravel has the simplest solution to achieve it, you just call paginate() method on the Eloquent query builder and laravel will do the heavy lifting to give you paginated data. Now laravel and Vue are perfect match since Vue is the frontend framework of choice in Laravel community. In this post, we will build a component to paginate data easily from frontend using Vue.js and Laravel.

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Use Laravel View Composer to share data in partial views

Ever been in a situation where you have to share some data with multiple views? I have. If you are passing it in every controller pretty soon it will get very messy since you end up duplicating same code in multiple controllers which is against the DRY principle. Let’s learn about view composer provider by Laravel which eliminate this issue and gives you a single place to attach your logic for view data. Continue reading…


Reusable upload component in Laravel with Dropzone.js

In this post we will create a blade component which we can reuse in any application where we want a file uploader, we will use Dropzone.js to add drag and drop uploading functionality, and laravel as a backend to store the uploaded file, It can upload an image or document which will be configurable using a config file. Let’s get started.

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Building front-end for Twitter Like app on VueJS

In the previous post we have built our GraphQL API using Laravel, now let’s focus on the front end and build the Twitter like app using Vue.js, Vuex & Vue router, it will be a completed SPA app, only the auth part will be taken care by laravel out of box authentication, once user logs in then we will load our single page application which we will create in this post using Vue. Continue reading…


Easy roles and permissions in Laravel 5

Laravel comes with Authentication and Authorization out of the box, I have implemented many role and permissions based system in the past, using laravel, it’s peace of cake. In this post, we are going to implement a fully working and extensible roles and permissions on laravel 5. When we finish we will have a starter kit which we can use for our any future project which needs roles and permissions based access control (ACL). Continue reading…

Youtube like app with Vue.js and Laravel

YouTube like app with Vue.js and Laravel

Earlier we have build our API Create REST API with authentication using Laravel Passport for youtube like app to share videos and comment on them, In this part we are going to implement front-end with Vue.js v2 and improve our API. This will give you very good idea on how you can create app with Vue.js Component, Vue Router and Laravel. Since Laravel 5.4 comes with bootstrap out of the box we will use it for UI. Let’s get started by installing Vue router configuring it. Continue reading…